
We see ourself as...

Sachsentrance sees itself as a left-wing trance collective and label. Our focus lies in the execution of joyful colorful trance parties with powerful, fast and euphoric music. With our parties we want to offer a low-threshold access to ideas and manners, which enable a more pleasant togetherness or maybe a more livable future. At our parties, it is important to us to open up a safe space for everyone, in which everyone can freely develop their personality, while respecting the boundaries of others. A mindful interaction with oneself as well as with all others, is for us a respectful interaction, which is still deficient in our society. Here we try to initiate a positive influence on individual behavior in order to drive a change in society as a whole. We stand for tolerance; inclusion of marginalized groups, respectful interaction even with obvious differences and generally solidarity among each other. Thus, we want to contribute to joining forces - for a livable, discrimination-free society. Consensuality and respect for personal boundaries are for us the basic prerequisite for any form of interaction with each other. This applies in particular to sexual activities and dealing with drugs.

We do not tolerate...

At the same time, we do not tolerate any forms of discrimination, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism and Ableism. In this regard, we do not tolerate discussion or deviation. People who show such behavior at our parties will be kicked out! If there is an assault or discriminatory behavior in the room, we are committed to a concerned-oriented approach, which has the consequence to preventively remove violent people from our events to protect the space for vulnerable people. Thus, we clearly want to advocate for the provision of a safer space through our parties. 


We are in the process of implementing awareness concepts in our events, which should also help us to live our values in practice. Of course, we cannot outsource this task, but all individuals have to take responsibility for this. However, awareness concepts can help to point out grievances and malaise and to initiate appropriate consequences. Our independent awareness group can also be reached outside of events at the following e-mail address:

Nevertheless, people make mistakes, especially if they have been socialized in a toxic society. We value when people want to improve their behavior and take responsibility, for example for assaults, injuries and discrimination that have happened. We are prepared to educate and provide impulses for self-reflection, as well as to accompany future behavior critically and in solidarity, for example in the form of concepts of social responsibility (community accountability). However, this requires the willingness of the perpetrators of violence to take responsibility for their misconduct and concrete steps to change their behavior. We are aware that these processes can fail. Nevertheless, we see the process of giving people a chance as very valuable. We see this as the basis for a progressive error culture. Concepts such as isolation and cancel culture, which attempt to protect one's own space through exclusion, shift the problem in our view: Misbehavior continues to be reproduced elsewhere and further violations may occur. A committee should only be the result of a failure to take responsibility. Concepts such as community accountability, in our opinion, are more likely to help initiate sustainable social change.

Against patriarchy

Unfortunately, our society is still organized in a patriarchal way, both sexism and racism are reproduced both consciously and unconsciously. Through a targeted inclusion of Flinta* and BiPoC persons through participation at our events or in the label (in the form of DJing, producing or other forms of participation), we try to contribute to more representation of non -cis males in the cultural sector as well as to support a sensitization of equality values independent of gender.

Against racism

We are aware of the socially deeply rooted racism and prejudice against "foreigners" in especially East German provinces. We often had to experience this ourselves and still observe it today. This is an unacceptable situation, which makes us very uncomfortable and against which we want to make a contribution. Through solidarity parties, donations, calls to and participation in left-wing and anti-fascist demonstrations as well as structural support, we try to set anti-fascist impulses here as well as to continue to support the steady and difficult work of so many anti-fascists.

Against injustice

There are many injustices and grievances in our society, which we would all like to dissolve. Unfortunately, we are also 'only' a trance collective, which locates its priority in the event and production of music. We therefore ask you to take this into account and to recognize the limits of our possibilities.

Rave in solidarity!

"Eine übelst sympathische Ballung von Geschmacklosigkeit"
"Wir haben jetzt im Plenum über euch gesprochen, da wurden Stimmen laut von "Bookingstop von Sachsentrance" bis hin zu Hausverboten für einzelne Personen"
"Ich habs mir schlimmer vorgestellt."
"Das ist so stumpf da kann ich auch die BILD-Zeitung lesen"
"Meine Ex Freundin stand gar nicht auf Sachsentrance - zum Glück sind wir nicht mehr zusammen."
"Ich bin einfach nur verliebt."
"WUMMS. Deredies!!!! straight vroom de Bravo-Hits Vol. Drölf."
"Feinstes wir reißen das Badezimmer ab Kommando."
"Ich bin ja Sachsentrancer aus Überzeugung, nicht weil ich die Musik so geil finde."
"BPM hochschrauben bis der Arzt kommt, Tachykardische Beats, Flimmerskontomie durch ihre VJs - Sachsentrance serviert Absturz und Höhenflug auf ein auf einem Tablet: Ich Sachs´en Trance."
"Ich wollte die ganze Zeit zurück ins Camp, aber ich konnte nicht gehen, weil jeder Track geiler war als der zuvor..."
"That one movement humankind will never forget."
"Schlüsselmoment Sachsentrance."
"Alle 11 Minuten verliebt sich ein Single über Sachsentrance - Ich Sachsentrance jetzt."